Below is a list comprised of historical research centres related to global history, both in the UK and North America. The intent behind this list is to showcase the variety of institutes conducting and coordinating research in global history and provide a stepping-stone for postgraduates and early-career academics to explore and contact centres that can provide career and research opportunities. They include:
- Centre for Imperial and Global History (University of Exeter).
- Centre for Imperial and Postcolonial Studies (University of Southampton).
- Edinburgh Centre for Global History (University of Edinburgh).
- Global History and Culture Centre (University of Warwick).
- Institute for Transnational & Spatial History (University of St Andrews).
- Oxford Centre for Global History (University of Oxford).
- UCL Centre for Transnational History (University College London).
- Universities Studying Slavery consortium (University of Virginia).
- Weatherhead Initiative on Global History (Harvard University).
We are always eager to expand our awareness of other research centres related to global history and help to facilitate opportunities for collaboration, research and career development, please share with us any centres you believe are absent from out list by contacting us via our email: